Early Arrival and Breakdown 2014

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Early Arrival and Breakdown Details

A key part of participation is our early arrival and breakdown crews. Early Arrival crew builds the camp infrastructure so that its ready when the gates open on Sunday night. Breakdown takes it all away and packs it up and makes sure that we are a green LNT camp.

EVERY person who steps foot on playa before gates open needs an early arrival pass (as well as their ticket of course). We are limited in how many we get, and priority goes to people who arrive earlier.

This year, there are three early arrival dates that you can choose from if you want to participate. For each date, you must arrive in reno and do any shopping needed there the day before so that you can be on playa by mid-day on the date you are stating. We plan on all eating a big breakfast together in reno on each of these days and then heading out as a pack.

The early arrival dates are:
Monday Morning, August 18
Wednesday Morning, August 20
Friday Morning, August 22

Breakdown means that you stay until Monday night or Tuesday night. This is key work that really helps us a lot. PLEASE, if you can, do not book your flight out of reno to return any earlier than Wednesday. Many hands make the work go easy. And I will love you forever.

Early Arrival Crew

Monday Morning, August 18

  1. Kimmy D.
  2. Mark Dudek
  3. Stanley Dudek
  4. Isabeau Vidal
  5. Chad Gallagher
  6. Jennifer Taves
  7. Jennifer Tufts
  8. Lauren Morales
  9. Josh Silverman
  10. Richard Bowers
  11. Alicia Noel
  12. Marion
  13. Dawid
  14. Leo Morales
  15. Eric Altbush
  16. Sarah
  17. Mark Schhepis
  18. Natasha Dudek
  19. Raul Herrera

Wednesday Morning, August 21

  1. Eddie Mondress
  2. Aleksandra Sevruk
  3. Jeanette Montesano
  4. Roy Marasigan
  5. Link
  6. Mikaela Holmes
  7. Alec Jarnagin
  8. Jendra Jarnagin
  9. Effy
  10. Frederic Ador
  11. Berni Seefeld
  12. Bruce Lindsay
  13. Amanda Wotton
  14. Tom Eshcar
  15. Alysha Jones
  16. Joseph Martinez
  17. Gearoid Dolan
  18. Gwendolyn Ellman
  19. Amanda Wotton
  20. Ian Whalen
  21. Erin Rashbaum
  22. Yaara Herling
  23. Michael Cohen

Friday Morning, August 23

  1. Earth
  2. Laura Patricelli
  3. Ashleyann
  4. Mirjam Brakman
  5. Johannes van Veen
  6. Maarten van Veen
  7. Hannah van Veen
  8. Beth Pelletier
  9. Katie Hotaling
  10. Geoff Shearer
  11. Atrina Brill
  12. Peter Brakman
  13. Prysm Freedman
  14. Miguel
  15. Gregg Altschul
  16. Ian Katz
  17. Inna Kats
  18. Jerry Goldman
  19. Amanda
  20. Laura Rubin
  21. David Shimel
  22. David Katz
  23. Rebekah Nagy
  24. Easton
  25. Lori Connell
  26. Boris Connell
  27. Katya Olive
  28. Marina Zavelevich
  29. Jay Steinhauer
  30. Alain Rostain

Early Arrival Menu

With great responsibility, comes great sustenance for your belly. This year we are planning the build week food a bit more. Rough menu outline is as follows:

Monday Night


Tuesday Night

Wednesday Lunch

Wednesday Night

Thursday Lunch

Thursday Night

Friday Lunch

Friday Night

Saturday Lunch

Saturday Night

  • Jungle BBQ Special

Sunday Lunch

Sunday Night

Breakdown Crew

Monday evening, September 2

Tuesday evening, September 3

List of Container Storage Items