David "DK" Katz

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For those who may not know me (or know of me), I am David Katz, aka "DK", known to some of you degenerate/pervert/fucks as Daddy, and other names that I was advised to keep to myself. 2010 was my first year actually going to the great big burn in the dessert. I camped with KK, because I met Squirelle at a crafting session for Black and Light Ball and she had the bad taste to recruit me. In case it is not obvious to you, I loved every second of it. In 2010 I had the privilege of running costume acquisitions and running the dome on playa, and it was a blast. So much fun in fact that the next year I signed up to run our fabulous camp on playa, did so again in 2012, and now I am back for 2013 with an even more amazing crew of freaks who are ready to kick ass and build the greatest camp and art that KK has done yet. As I saw on a T-shirt somewhere "My Drinking Buddies Have A Building Problem".

Recently, I was told that my spirit animal is an Ox, due to my stubborn nature. I also am apparently 20% Queen, and the observation has been made that 70% of what comes out of my mind is genius and the other 30% is pure filth and degradation (past results do not predict future outcomes, please consult with your licensed professional before making any investment in my life or involving yourself in my wold in any manner) I was born to go to Burning Man and it is truly tragic that I did not come to accept this until 2010. Burning Man is awesome. Costumes are awesome. Your life will be awesome if you are in a costume and at Burning Man.

While I am trapped in the default world between burns, I practice corporate law in NY. This is not as exciting as Kostume Kult, so there is no need to elaborate on what that means. If you want to do business with me, I can tell you more. Just be prepared to not be able to pronounce the name of my firm.

I am also a proud member of the TOAD crew (http://www.facebook.com/Itstoad) and have produced a number of events for KK and participated in the rest of them in some fashion. I DJ at a bunch of events as well, and you can listen to the 2 sets that I managed, in my lazyness, to get up on soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/davidfkatz).

Looking forward to partying with each and every one of you on playa! Love you all!