Discussions - The Lawful and Illicit Uses of Anabolic Steroids As Well As Side Effects

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We all know that recreational steroid use comes with a whole host of potentially dangerous side effects. There is widespread use of these substances even though this knowledge of harmful effects is well known. The immediate effects of rapid increase of muscle mass and heightened endurance have proven too tempting for a number of people. As often happens in the hyper competitive sport of body building, these drugs proliferate as athletes try to gain even the slightest edge over one another. In the sections that follow we'll explore in greater detail how your body is affected by recreational steroid use.

There are a number of varying degrees of damage that can come from using these substance, and it all depends on few things. The evidence that there is a significant risk of liver damage is overwhelming. The extent of damage can run from reduced liver function, cancer and complete liver failure. Kidney damage can also result, which carries an equally grave prognosis. The higher risk factors are associated more with orally ingested anabolic steroids. Injecting the substance directly into the muscle seems to be a method that does not carry the same chance of damage.

A long time ago scientific research discovered that testosterone has a role to play with male pattern baldness.

Other components are achieved with the adaptation of the hormone. The product DHT has been accused of having some degree of responsibility for male pattern baldness. So if a person is taking anabolic steroids to a greater degree, then it stands to reason that excess amounts of DHT will be produced with its attendant effects on the person's full head of hair. Among the many problems that may arise, one specific issue may be the harmful effect to your skin.

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You almost have to ask why if the down side of steroid use is so serious, do people continue to use these drugs.

There are some precautions that people can take such as injection rather than oral administration. Intravenous injection of the drugs has been shown to reduce the severity of certain side effects. But you should not take that to mean you can avoid these side effects all together. Completely defying common sense, elite athletes often use multiple methods of getting the steroids into their body for maximum effect.

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