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Clay is known for its antiseptic properties and mineralized.

You just need some powdered clay that mix with water, lemon juice or cucumber and apply the paste obtained on the face. It is not advisable to let it dry completely. This mask will help to close pores which are the leading cause of blackheads.

Masks for oily skin: Carrots and Honey Mask

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamins A and C and honey contains among many other minerals, vitamins and amino acids. To prepare this mask Boil 2 to 3 carrots carotte, mashed and mixed with 4 tablespoons of honey. The paste obtained is applied on face and rinse with cold water after about 10 minutes.

Masks for oily skin: banana mask

Bananas contain ascorbic acid, vitamin B6 and potassium, all of which are excellent for oily skin mostly. Two medium bananas crush with a fork and add a little honey optional. After the mask and made the effect (about 10 minutes) rinse face with cold water.

Masks for oily skin: Mask of bran with egg

Bran is used in cosmetics and as a scrub and helps eliminate blackheads. The mask is made as follows: Mix one egg white go to this website half-brewed cup of bran, a teaspoon olive oil is a little lemon juice. Spread on face and neck well and let it act for 15-20 minutes. Finally remove with warm water.

Heavy eye makeup, the famous Smoky-eyes associated with nefardate lips is not a classic look for years. Drawing attention to themselves aracteristici with caplicare rich colors, heavy and dark on the top face, while the bottom feteinuantele perfect neutral balance the look very glamorous.

Fergie wears often smoky eye makeup with pure black pigment. Mate of powder shadow, eyeliner and mascara for volume are applied to create a look of utmost intensity. Fergie sweetens its makeup by adding a beige lipstick, a nunanta only slightly darker than her skin tone.

He used a soft blue of midnight along the eyelid and the upper and lower lashes. Olivia intensified, also general image by adding small touches of black eyeliner. Color concentration was kept over eyelids and just released a little arch. Lips of an idea applied by a pink-beige lipstick with satin finish.

Mean temperature changes and a change in your daily routine, no matter which part of the world live. Knowing a little how your skin works in winter and slightly changing your habits, you can make the difference between a dull and tired skin and skin absolutely brilliant, no matter how cold and suck it out!

Start your day with a hot shower! But before you go and take a towel, switch to cold water faucet for about fifteen seconds. Then the water hot and cold water again, and the water warm, and cold and ... Repeat the process for about two minutes. Why would you want to do this? I heard you crying already! Here's why: alternating hot and cold water shower is a simple hydrotherapy technique which revitalizes the skin by stimulating blood flow through the body. It is very refreshing and very beneficial to the skin. So even though this process has no way to really enjoy yourself, you better put it into practice!

Choose a highly protective day cream that contains zinc oxide and that offers SPF30 protection to form a barrier against harmful elements in the atmosphere. Creamy lotions or emulsions, water and oil are the best. Oh, and do not forget your lips. Chapped lips are often the most visible problem that can have a little lady in the winter. Use a highly moisturizing lip balm that provides a protective barrier between your lips soft and sharp frost, preferably a balm with vitamin E for good elasticity.

This will remove dead cells and allows your skin to absorb additional moisture that is badly needed when it is cold and tends to dry out a lot! Sebum Sene're all complaining that summer is no longer produced because of cold winter temperatures and dry skin and central heating. Therefore, the skin loses water, which should be kept in the lower layer of skin. This can lead to premature skin aging and wrinkles and blemishes and your skin will look like a scroll, or even the gray-on! Charming, no? So do not let the desire and get to scrubbing!

This Chinese herbal remedy is a safe method of energizing your body. Acst extremely simple and inexpensive method to detoxify the whole organism and organs, including liver and gallbladder. And your body will be capabilsa filter and clean the blood faster to get rid of toxins responsible for bad skin.

Do not crooked, squeeze a lemon and a glass of warm water right now!

Neither one million euros can not buy benefits that you offer them a long night and all the rest good. Oxygen levels will drop if you do not get enough sleep, which means that cells can no longer regenerate quickly. And if the cells do not regenerate your skin ages faster and you'll look like a raisin! Try to sleep seven if not eight or nine hours of sleep per night to get benefits absolutely amazing.